Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Junior High Rally

It is time to start thinking about Junior High Rally.

Please consider either leading a prayer, or a skit for Junior High Rally on March 5th. Please contact bridget.harris@seattlearch.org for more information.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Save the Date for Junior High Rally

Archbishop Peter Sartain would like to invite youth in grades 6-9 to consider attending Junior High Rally 2011.

March 5, 2011 at Highline Community College

More information will be arriving in January.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Youth Convention Deadline

Don't forget today at noon is the cut off for Youth Convention t-shirts. After today, we do not guarantee a t-shirt and the price per person becomes $80.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It is our great pleasure to introduce Shawn Madden as the new Archbishop’s Delegate for the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

Shawn comes from Kansas and has years of experience working in the Archdiocese of Kansas City’s Office of Evangelization & Catholic Youth Formation. He has been active with the American Camp Association and has served on their regional board. In addition, he volunteers as a youth minister in his parish in Ottawa, Kansas. A graduate of Benedictine College, Shawn has a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and Youth Ministry.

This is a big move for Shawn and his wife and four children. He will be working part time for his first two months, November and December, 2010, to give him and his family time to look for housing and get settled in the Seattle area.

Rick Fersch will be providing assistance and support to Shawn in his first year as he transitions to his new position and as the Archdiocese transitions to a new Archbishop.

We are fortunate to have him as our new OYYAM Delegate. Please join us in welcoming Shawn to the Archdiocese of Seattle!

Download the Letter from Archbishop Brunett

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CMD Certificate Program

Interested in learning more about the praxis of Youth Ministry? Do you have some key volunteers you want to train or gain confidence? Consider attending or sending some of your volunteers to attend the Center for Ministry Development's Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies.

Courses cost $150 per person or $300 for 3 people with the same pastor.

The first class of the year is scheduled for November 20th and 21st.
This course is, Foundations for Ministry Leadership

Foundations for Ministry Leadership explores the theology, principles, and practices of effective leadership in Christian ministry. Participants will explore current leadership concepts and approaches, as well as Christian perspectives on leadership. Participants will also learn how to empower individuals and teams of leaders for ministry with youth. The course combines theory presentation with experiential learning as participants explore (a) leadership theory and an assessment of styles for effective leadership; (b) theological and pastoral foundations for understanding leadership and empowerment; and (c) processes and tools for inviting, preparing and nurturing adult and youth leaders in ministry

To register or request more information contact bridget.harris@seattlearch.org

Monday, October 25, 2010

Initial Youth Convention Deadline

Reminder today is the first Youth Convention Deadline. Registrations must be postmarked by today in order to recieve the lowest price of $70, your registration must be postmarked by today.

This is also the day to ensure you recieve t-shirts in the size you want. We try to order a large mix of T-shirts but smaller sizes do go quickly.

Please contact Bridget at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org with any questions.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Youth Convention

Just a reminder the following are due by the end of day today, Monday!
Parish Leadership Forms
Act Submissions for Coffee House
Convention Award Nominations

Please contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org with any questions.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Get Ready for Youth Convention

We are just a few weeks away from Youth Convention and wanted to help you get ready.

Show your teens the recap video from last year: http://www.vimeo.com/8713083

Order meal tickets by contacting Bridget Harris

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Position Opening Assistant Director of Youth Ministry

The Assistant Director of Youth Ministry is being reposted. The job description has been changed to give more focus to retreats and leadership development. The title is now Assistant Director, Youth Ministry – Retreats & Leadership Development.

For a complete job description please visit: http://www.seattlearchdiocese.org/Archdiocese/HR/JobProfile.aspx?cid=4.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Youth Convention 2010

For those of you not on the email distribution new Convention Brochures and inserts are available at oyyam website.

Download the brochure
Download the insert

Groups are still needed for prayers and skits on stage during youth convention. If you are interested in participating please contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org

See you all in Bellevue.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Thirst for Change

For those who haven't seen this yet. CRS and Lifeteen are working with a program to bring clean drinking water the villages of Ghana. http://www.catholicyouthministry.com/give-it-away-now-thirst-for-change

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Confirmation Retreats

The 2010-2011 Confirmation Retreat Dates are now available:
2010-2011 Dates
December 3-5, 2010 at Camp Don Bosco
January 21-23, 2011 at Camp Don Bosco
February 4-6, 2011 at Camp Don Bosco
February 18-20, 2011 at Camp Don Bosco
March 18-19, 2011 at Camp Hamilton
April 15-17, 2011 at Camp Hamilton

More information and Registration are available at http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/retreat-ministry/confirmation-retreats

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Youth Convention Liturgy

Help needed for Youth Convention Liturgy.

The Youth Convention Planning Team willbe looking for
2 gift bearers,
2 lectors,
3 altar servers
and 12-14 Eucharistic Ministers

Please email bridget.harris@seattlearch.org if you are interested in assisting with liturgy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Webinar w/ Frank Mercadante

For those who missed it, wanted to see it again, or wanted additional volunteers or even your Pastors to catch a glimpse of Frank Mercadante's "Evangelizing to Immanuelizing" presentation from the OYYAM Fall Gathering and the Core 24 training in Mukilteo, there still a chance to experience it. See the information below on an upcoming 'Webinar'.

Thursday, September 23, at 3 PM (EST)

From Evangelizing to Immanuelizing.

The one-hour presentation is sponsored by Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association and is part of their Catholic Speakers Online Series. The webinar will examine some of the recent cultural, communications, and generational changes that are causing us to re-think our evangelistic assumptions and approaches, especially among young people.

The regular cost of the webinar is $12. Use the code Frank23 when registering, and you can join for the discounted cost of $8. You can register at: http://www.pncea.org/catholicspeakersonline/

Welcome Edwin Ferrera

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry is pleased to welcome Edwin Ferrera to our full time staff. Edwin began in our office last week as the Assistant Director of Young Adult Ministry. In this role he will oversee Hispanic Ministry as well as the community life, recruiting and program experience of the Young Adult Service Team. Previously he spent 7 years as a religious brother with the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit and several years working for the St. Vincent de Paul Society here in Seattle.

Edwin is the proud father of two daughters and is completing his Master’s Degree at Seattle University.

The staff of OYYAM is joyfully welcoming our new staff and ask for the prayers and support of our Youth and Young Adult Ministry Community for Edwin as he begins his new ministry in our office.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Youth Convention Update

For those of you concerned you might not find a spot for your teens at Youth Convention, we will be preparing a suplamental to go with the brochure for those wanting more workshop choices.

There will also be Mass with Bishop Tyson on Sunday at 11:30 am. Please see the revised convention schedule:

8:00 AM Registration Opens
8:30 AM Doors Open
9:00 AM General Session I
10:15 AM Prayer Experience I
11:15 AM Workshop I
12:00 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM General Session II
3:00 PM Prayer Experience II
4:00 PM Workshop II
5:15 PM General Session III
6:30 PM Dinner Break
8:00 PM Saturday Night Entertainment
10:30 PM End of the Night

8:30 AM Doors Open
9:00 AM General Session IV
10:15 AM Workshop III
11:30 AM Mass with Bishop Tyson
1:00 PM Lunch Break
2:00 PM General Session V

Friday, September 17, 2010

Halloween Boat Cruise

The North Seattle Deanery will once again be hosting their Halloween Boat Cruise October 22, 2010.

For more information contact Rennee Lindstrom (206) 632-6140. Again, for tickets call Shannon Fleming Bray at St. Catherine.

Letter from Sponsoring Parishes
Maps and Directions
Order Form

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Archbishop

As you may have heard this morning, Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop James Peter Sartain as the new Archbishop of Seattle. Archbishop-elect Sartain is from the Diocese of Joliet in Illinois and has been bishop in Little Rock, Arkansas and held numerous positions in the Diocese of Memphis, Tennessee.

This morning, we celebrated a beautiful Mass of Thanksgiving with Archbishop-elect Sartain, Archbishop Brunett and many priests of the archdiocese. As we begin to see more of the Archbishop-elect, I am sure each of you will experience the same excitement and passion for youth and young adults we experienced in our brief encounters with him today.

Please continue to pray for our Archbishop-elect as he begins his time with us in western Washington. We look forward to many years of service to the youth and young adults of the Archdiocese under the direction of Archbishop Sartain.

For more information about Archbishop Sartain, please check the Archdiocese of Seattle website at www.seattlearch.org. For a copy of his remarks regarding his appointment please visit http://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Christopher West at St. Joseph Vancouver

We at St. Joseph in Vancouver invite you to attend an evening with Christopher West on Thursday, September 30 at 7:00 pm. Christopher will present God, Sex and the Meaning of Life. This presentation is for high school age youth and adults of all ages. We will also have a spaghetti dinner prior to the presentation. Please see the attached flyer and poster for pricing and additional information. If you have any further questions, please contact Larry Cadorniga at larryc@stjoevan.org

Download Flyer

Download Poster



Frances Farrell
Pastoral Assistant For Administration
St. Joseph Catholic Church

Monday, September 13, 2010

Leader's Packet

For those of you who had difficulty viewing the Leader's Packet for Youth Convention 2010. The problem has now been fixed and you can view all the documents at http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/archdiocesan-events/youth-convention.


If you are planning to attend or are interested in attending NCCYM in New Orleans this December, please contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org. We would be happy to help you find roommates, share a flight/cab and arrange for Archdiocesan Gatherings when there.

More information can be found at: http://nccym.nfcym.org/

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall Gathering

Thank you to all the Youth Ministers who came to the Annual Fall Gathering Last week at the Palisades. We hope you enjoyed your time at the Gathering and will consider attending the next Gathering sposored in conjuction with OCFF on October 8th at St. Madeline Sophie.

More information available at http://oyyam.blogspot.com/2010/09/developing-faith-and-spirituality-with.html.

Please take a moment to evaluate the Fall Gathering by visiting http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e30tz0abgdywa62x/start.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Youth Convention Brochures

Youth Convention Brochures are in and will be mailed out this week. If you want more or less than 20 copies of the brochure, please let us know by emailing Britta.Folden@seattlearch.org.

Developing Faith and Spirituality with our Catholic Adolescents

OYYAM is happy to invite all youth ministers to join us and the Office for Catholic Faith Formation in a day of ongoing formation October 8th.

Dan Mulhall will present on “Developing Faith and Spirituality with our Catholic Adolescents.” This will be a wonderful opportunity to expand our own tool chest of resources for Youth Ministry.

This will take place in the Koinonia Room at St. Madeline Sophie in Bellevue. Cost will be for lunch and refreshments.

For more information please contact Anne Fredrick or Bridget Harris.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Youth Convention Schedule

As some of you may have noticed the Youth Convention Brochure had a misprint and printed Sunday's schedule from last year. No worries we will be having mass with Bishop Tyson on Sunday Morning.

Please note the schedule for Youth Convention 2010.

Correct schedule:

8:00 AM Registration Opens
8:30 AM Doors Open
9:00 AM General Session I
10:15 AM Prayer Experience I
11:15 AM Workshop I
12:00 PM Lunch Break
1:30 PM General Session II
3:00 PM Prayer Experience II
4:00 PM Workshop II
5:15 PM General Session III
6:30 PM Dinner Break
8:00 PM Saturday Night Entertainment
10:30 PM End of the Night

8:30 AM Doors Open
9:00 AM General Session IV
10:15 AM Workshop III
11:30 AM Mass with Bishop Tyson
1:00 PM Lunch Break
2:00 PM General Session V

CMD Net Access

OYYAM would like to once again offer you the opportunity to sign up for CMD Youth Ministry Access. Youth Ministry access includes:

Gathered Youth Nights: fully designed sessions connected to the components of youth ministry. Catechetical sessions for high school youth are correlated to the U.S. Bishops' Adaptation of Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age for Use in Parish andYouth Ministry Programs (Adaptation).

Extended Events: retreats, community building events, and service projects expand the opportunities available in youth ministry Seasonal Connections: non-gathered strategies connect young people with their peers, with the family, with the parish, and with the wider community

Seasonal Ideas: calendar of feast days and commemorations of the season with connections to YMA resources

Journal Articles: professional development for leaders in the areas of youth ministry and Catholic life Set up the YMA Diocesan Discount Program for your parishes and schools. Parishes and schools receive a 20% discount.

A free webinar is offered to help parishes and school learn how to use Youth Ministry Access.


YMA High School - $150/yearDiocesan Discount Program: $120/year

YMA Middle School - $150/year Diocesan Discount Program: $120/year

YMA High School + Middle School - $225/year Diocesan Discount Program: $180/year

Sign up by October 15th or November 15th through bridget.harris@seattlearch.org

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fall Gathering

Reminder: This is your last day to reserve a Room at the Fall Gathering on September 8-9. We will still take reservations for the day but rooms need to be booked by today. Please RSVP by calling Bridget at 206.382.4562 or emailing her at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org or through the website at http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/office/fall-gathering-rsvp.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Youth Convention 2011

As we put the final touches on Youth Convention 2010 it is time to start planning for Youth Convention 2011. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the planning team, we are currently forming the planning team to begin speaker selection and theme selection.

Please email bridget.harris@seattlearch.org if you are interested in volunteering.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Young Adult Service Team

The 2010-2011 is rapidaly completing their first month of service here in the Archdiocese. We have now posted their biographies online at http://seattleoyyam.org for more information about them.

Please pray for our young adults as they dedicate a year to serving the Church in Western Washington.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CMD Certificat Course Reminder

OYYAM will once again be sponsoring the Center for Ministry Development's Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies courses.

These are a wonderful resource for parishes wishing to support paid or volunteer youth ministers and help develop skills for successful parish youth ministry. The classes are designed so you can step in at any time and complete the courses over 2 years as necessary.

For more information visit: http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/youth-ministry/leadership-development-2/certificate-in-youth-ministry-studies

Email Bridget Harris if you have any questions.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Summit Junior High

Today we begin the final program of the summer. Summit Junior High welcomes over 50 youth to participate in a 4 day exploration of servant leadership in their Catholic Schools at Camp Hamilton.

Next year's dates for all leadership camps will be available soon so continue to visit us at http://seattleoyyam.org or this blog regularly.

Friday, August 20, 2010

2010-2011 Calendar

Just a reminder that the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry's Calendar of events and programs for 2010-2011 is available through our website. This includes many formerly Regional programs and opportunities for training and support services.

Please visit http://seattleoyyam.org for the calendar.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Save the Date: Junior High Rally

Junior High Rally is just over 6 months away. Save the Date of March 5th at Highline Community College.

Last year we had record numbers and we hope to have even more this year. For more information about Junior High Rally visit: http://seattleoyyam.org/?page_id=122

To sign up your group or look for opportunities to get involved email Britta Folden. Also consider serving on the planning team in a variety of roles. Or applying to be the Junior High Rally Coordinator or one of the other roles to help make this Rally the best ever. Contact Bridget Harris for more information.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Job Board now available on Seattleoyyam.org

For those parishes seeking Youth and/or Young Adult Ministery related Positions OYYAM is now providing a job board. This is an easy way for you to post your jobs online for the youth ministry community and the larger community. Please submit a job posting online or via email to oyyamquestions@seattlearch.org

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RSVP for the Fall Gathering online

For those attending the Fall Gathering you can now RSVP online through Seattle OYYAM's website at: http://seattleoyyam.org/?page_id=2993

For most future events this will now be available under the Office link or the appropriate webpage. Please use this feature when more conveniant for you.


Monday, August 16, 2010

OYYAM's New Vision statement

As part of the new restructure of OYYAM we have articulated a new Vision Statement for our office. We are now in the process of looking deeper at the surveys we conducted earlier and hopefully responding to your needs in the coming years.

We are not begining to reflect more on our new vision statement: "With gratitude to Christ, we focus our resources and support the ministries which strongly impact the greatest number of youth, young adults and families – thus engaging them on their journey to know God and participate in the Catholic Community."and hope this plays out in our ministries of support and resource to you.

In the coming weeks the staff of OYYAM will be reaching out to you to help us focus our resources in support of you. In the mean time if you would like to inquire about specific programs please contact the appropriate staff using the staff directory or program directory at http://seattleoyyam.org.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

OYYAM website changes

If you logged onto the OYYAM website lately you will notice a few changes. In light of our new structure we have redone our home page to help you find things more easily. Be sure to check the blog and website regularly for updated information about Youth Convention, Junior High Rally, Young Adult Ministry Opportunities and Resources and more.

If you would like to see something please email oyyamquestions@seattlearch.org and let us know.

Go check out the website at http://seattleoyyam.org.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Position Opening: Assistant Director, Youth Ministry

Assistant Director, Youth Ministry
Coordinates all OYYAM retreat, leadership and service programs as well as Archdiocesan Special Events. Provides day to day supervision of the Young Adult Service Team Member(s) serving in retreat and youth ministry.
Full Job Description


In April, 2010, Archbishop Brunett asked Rick Fersch to undertake a special project to develop a short-term and long-term plan to assure the effective continuation of ministry with youth and young adults into the future, and to evaluate the financial challenges facing the Office For Youth and Young Adult Ministry. He also appointed Rick as the Interim Delegate for the Office.
A first step in the reorganization process was to develop a new model to provide for accountability for each position in the Office. The Archbishop is pleased to announce the new model which organizes Youth and Young Adult Ministry into three offices.
· The Office of Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry
· The Office of Catholic Youth Athletics
· The Office of Catholic Camp Services
As part of this new structure, Archbishop Brunett has appointed three existing staff who are well qualified and suited to their positions as follows:
· Bridget Harris: Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry
· Tauno Latvala: Director of Catholic Youth Athletics
· Sarah Humlie: Director of Catholic Camp Services
With the establishment of these new offices, the next step will be a close review of the each of the underlying programs and ministries. This review will include an assessment of what differentiates them from other programming available to Catholic youth and young adults throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle. In addition, the financial assessment is ongoing and will result in budgetary recommendations that will be considered with the appropriate consultative groups.
As the process moves forward, the Archbishop, the Interim Delegate, and all the staff of the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministries would appreciate your prayers and support as they work to grow in service and ministry to the youth of the Archdiocese on their journey to grow in faith and participate in the Catholic Community of Western Washington.
Please be sure to find this announcements and all future information available on our blog: http://oyyam.blogspot.com/.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Greetings –
We, at St. Joseph in Vancouver, have an opening for a full-time Pastoral Assistant for Youth Ministry. Attached please find a basic description of the position. Please note the deadline for applying is August 31, 2010. If you have any questions, would like to see a detailed job description, or to apply please contact me by phone at 360-823-2823 or by email at francesf@stjoevan.org

Thanks so much!


Frances Farrell
Pastoral Assistant For Administration
St. Joseph Catholic Church

Fall Gathering Details

Save the Date for the Annual Fall Gathering at the Palisades Retreat Center

September 8th is the optional social, this is a great opportunity for youth and young adult ministers to share resources, network and form community.

Overnight stay is option and we ask for a $65 contribution to the cost of the stay. Scholarships are available.

Fall Gathering on September 9th to focus on Family Ministry to enhance our work with Youth.

Tentative Schedule for Septemebt 9th
8:30 Gathering
9:00 Opening Prayer
9:30 Presentation on Family Ministry
11:30 Mass/commisioning of YAST
12:15: Lunch
1:15 pm - Re-gather for Afternoon session
2:30 - Closing Prayer

The staff of OYYAM will be available throughout the day to answer questions, distribute materials and provide anything else you might need.

Please RSVP to Bridget Harris including if you would like to spend the night and if you will be attending the evening social.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Youth Convention

Youth Convention is less than 3 months away. The planning team is finalizing the details in order to make registration materials available on September 9th at the Fall Gathering.
If you need more than 20 registration forms email Britta Folden with the number you expect by September 1st so she can be sure to order the right amount.


Theme: Break Free
November 6-7, 2010
Bellevue College
Price: $70 per person, $35 for each person over the number you sent last year. Contact Debbie Fisher or Bridget Harris to find out how many you sent last year.

Prefunc sites: TBA (if you are interested in hosting a site contact Britta at britta.folden@seattlearch.org and let her know)

Saturday, July 24, 2010


If you have not yet completed your survey on the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry please do so as soon as possible at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/OYYAM-Survey.

This information will be included in decision making processes in the upcoming year. So please take the time to complete as much as you can.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

One Week

The First week of One Week has now finished. Forks High School wrapped up Friday afternoon after a week of service at various spots around town.

Hoquim One Week begins tomorrow. Please pray for our participants as they begin their week of service on the Washington Coast.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Region Model next year

The current transition period in the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry is making more difficult our attempts at the “regional model” of supporting youth and young adult ministry in the Archdiocese. This being the case, we are moving away from that model at this time. As we move forward, we will continue to support your efforts in youth and young adult ministry within a different structure.

If you have feedback about how we can do that, please utilize the survey that was sent out recently to do so. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts.

Blessings to you this summer.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Camp 4:12

In the midst of summer programming we are excited to be finalizing plans for Camp 4:12, which is just 3 weeks away. If your parish has not registered yet, remember the deadline for registration is Tuesday the 7th of July. Please be sure to get your group in by that point.
For more information visit http://leadership.seattleoyyam.org

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Week

The first One Week of Summer is just over one week away. Senior High in Forks is full to capacity and we are excited for this week of service in one of our many local communities. Thank you to Maryelyn for all her dedication to this specific site and to the program.

There are still limited available spots in many of our other sites. Please contact Britta Folden for more information about One Week in any of our other sites.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ascend HD

Thank you to everyone who made Ascend HD so amazing. This week was a wonderful opportunity for our group and we thank every youth minister who sent youth.

We are excited for Ascend next week, and to schedule these two great leadership programs next year.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stephen Hueffed

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry would like to announce that Stephen Hueffed has resigned as the Archbishop's Delegate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. On June 17th Stephen offered his resignation and it was accepted by Archbishop Brunett.

In the past 23 years Stephen has served as a Youth Minister at Holy Cross in Tacoma and Holy Rosary in Edmonds. He then served as Director of the CHANNEL Program for several years before moving to the Chancery to serve in the Office for Parishes and Faith Communities and eventually serving as the Archbishop's Delegate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry since its re-establishment by Archbishop Brunett.

We at OYYAM are grateful for his leadership and support over his years as our Delegate. He will be missed and he and his family are in our prayers as they begin this new chapter in life.

We appreciate the prayers and support of our Youth Ministry community while we move forward in our ministries and continue our work for the Church in Western Washington.

Click here to read the Archbishop's letter

Ascend/ Ascend HD

Hi everyone,

OYYAM is pleased to announce that Ascend HD is now full. We are expecting youth from over 20 parishes and schools to join us next week at Camp Gallagher.

We are two weeks away from Ascend and a few spots still remain.

For more information or email bridget.harris@seattlearch.org


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010-2011 Important Dates

Greetings everyone,

As many of you finalize your calendars for 2010-2011 we wanted to remind you of some important dates for 2010-2011.

Youth Ministers Fall Gathering: September 9th at the Palisades.

Youth Convention: November 6th and 7th at Bellevue College. Look for your brochures to be available at the Fall Gathering on September 9th.

Junior High Rally: March 5th at Highline Community College

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat: May 31-June 2 at Far-a-way Retreat Center.

For a complete department calendar or more information about any of these programs visit http://seattleoyyam.org.

Monday, June 14, 2010

CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program 2011

Here are the dates for CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program for Year One and the first half of year two, which will take place in 2011.
March 12-13, 2011~~~Evangelization & Catechesis~~~Tom East
April 9-10, 2011~~~Prayer & Worship~~~Susan Searle
September 24-25, 2011~~~Justice & Service~~~Joan Weber
November 19-20, 2011~~~Pastoral Care~~~Sr. Carolyn Coll, RSMFor more information,OYYAM Contact: Britta Folden @ (206) 382-2010 or britta.folden@seattlearch.orgInformation from the Center for Ministry Development

Friday, June 11, 2010

2010-2011 Calendar now available

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry has published a large portion of our 2010-2011 Dates for regions and Archdiocese wide events.

Please visit seattleoyyam.org to view the general calendar, your region calendar, or any ministry specific calendar for information.

We are excited to offer the Fall Gathering on Thursday September 9, 2010. We will have a social with limited content the night before. And a training for those new to youth ministry or new to the Archdiocese of Seattle the day before.

The other date to save is May 31-June 2, 2011 for the next Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Registration for Ascend extended:

The registration deadline for Ascend has been extended to this Friday June 11, 2010. Early Registration for Ascend HD has passed and there are very few spots remaining for that week, so register your parish as soon as possible.
Download Registration Forms or find out more information at http://leadership.seattleoyyam.org.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat

Today youth and young adult ministers from around the Archdiocese will begin to gather for the annual Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat. We are looking forward to 3 days of reflection, prayer and fellowship. Check back soon for information about next year’s youth and young adult ministers retreat.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ascend/ Ascend HD Registration Deadline

Reminder the registration deadline for Ascend and Ascend HD is next Tuesday, June 2nd at the end of the day. If you have any questions or need additional registration forms, please contact Bridget Harris or visit http://leadership.seattleoyyam.org.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

One Week Update

There are still limited spots available for One Week Junior and Senior High. Contact Britta Folden if you are interested in bringing a group to any of these dates:
Junior High in Hoquim, July 18-23
Junior High in Everett, August 8-13
Senior High in Bellingham, August 8-13
For more information about One Week please visit our website.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Marriage Prep Retreat this weekend

This weekend is the final marriage preparation retreat of the year. Next year's dates will be announced soon. Check the website, http://seattleoyyam.org. For a complete list of Young Adult Retreats and Programs.

Monday, May 24, 2010

High Ropes Course

This weekend friends, family and those who contributed to the Bradshaw High Ropes came to Camp Hamilton to take part in the blessing and dedication of this new resource.

Read more about the event at:



Thursday, May 20, 2010

Certificate in Youth Ministy Studies Dates for 2010-2011

OYYAM has just confirmed our dates for the next four courses in the Center for Ministry Development’s (CMD) Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies courses. These four courses conclude year one and begin year two for participants wishing to obtain the certificate.

Mark your Calendar for:
March 12-13, 2011~~~Evangelization & Catechesis~~~Tom East
April 9-10, 2011~~~Prayer & Worship~~~Susan Searle
September 24-25, 2011~~~Justice & Service~~~Joan Weber
November 19-20, 2011~~~Pastoral Care~~~Sr. Carolyn Coll, RSM

For more information,OYYAM Contact: Britta Folden @ (206) 382-2010 or britta.folden@seattlearch.orgInformation from the Center for Ministry Development

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ascend/ Ascend HD Staff Needed

The planning team for Ascend and Ascend HD is still looking for staff interested in working one or both weeks this summer. Ascend HD, for Juniors and Seniors, is at Camp Gallagher from June 23-27 and Ascend, for Freshman and Sophomores, is July 6-10 at Camp Hamilton.
Age requirements are:
· Those leaving High School and one year out can apply to be Junior Staff at Ascend
· Individuals under 21 but further than one year out of school can apply to staff Ascend only
· All those over 21 can apply to staff Ascend or Ascend HD or Both.
Apply online!
For more information go to our website (leadership.seattleoyyam.org) or contact Bridget Harris

Monday, May 17, 2010

High Ropes Course Dedication

On Saturday May 22nd the new High Ropes Course at Camp Hamilton will be dedicated and blessed. The day begins with the blessing, celebrated by Fr. Tony Bawyn, at 10:00 AM followed by a reception at Discovery Lodge. After that the course will be open for those who would like to use it. Please RSVP to Debbie.fisher@seattlearch.org, if you plan to attend.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat

This year's youth and young adult ministers retreat is scheduled for June 1-3. The price is $50 per person and includes 2 nights stay at Far-a-way Retreat Center, a social on Tuesday night, meals on Wednesday and Breakfast on Thursday.

We will open the doors at 3:00 PM on Tuesday for time to relax, get settled in and socialize with other youth ministers. at 6:00 PM we will open the retreat in prayer and dinner followed by an optional social.

Wednesday we will have a guest presenter for the entire day so we encourage everyone to come and stay the day.

Thursday stay through brunch and leave just before noon.

For more information contact Britta Folden. To register send your $50 to YYAM Retreat, 710 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Confirmation Retreat Schedule 2010-2011

OYYAM has finalized our scheduled Confirmation Retreat Offerings for 2010-2011. Look for a parish registration form and other information at http://retreats.seattleoyyam.org. Registration deadlines are 1 month before each retreat, spots fill quickly so register your group as soon as possible.

December 10-12, 2010
January 22-23, 2011
February 4-6, 2010
February 18-20, 2011
March 11-13, 2011
March 25-27 2011
April 15-17, 2011

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Young Adult Service Team

Applications have now been received for the Young Adult Service Team 2010-2011 Service Year. Tauno and Bridget are busy reviewing all the applications and scheduling interviews with potential team members.

Check back again to find who will be joining us next year and what ministries they will be working with.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Summer Leadership Retreats

Summer is rapidly approaching and OYYAM is getting geared up for our summer leadership retreats, Ascend, Ascend HD, Camp 4:12 and Summit. These retreats help teens develop the skills necessary to lead in their parishes and schools as Catholic Disciples.

Ascend HD, June 23-27th at Camp Gallagher is designed for teens entering their Junior and Senior Year. To learn more about this program or download additional registrations visit our website.

Ascend, July 6th-10th at Camp Hamilton is designed for students entering grades 9 and 10 in the fall. To learn more or download additional registrations forms visit our website.

Camp 4:12, July 26-29 at Camp Don Bosco is for students entering 7-9th grades wishing to take the first step in their skills as peer leaders and Catholic Discipleship. Find more information or download the registration form.

If you or someone at your parish is interesting in

Monday, May 10, 2010

ACCY Gathering/Commissioning - June 5th TO BE RESCHEDULED FOR FALL

The gathering and commissioning of regional ACCY to take place at the Chancery on Saturday, June 5, 2010 is not going to happen. Instead, we are going to do this in the fall. Please contact Tauno Latvala at tauno.latvala@seattlearch.org with questions or more details.

Spring Marriage Prep Retreat

We are weeks away from the Spring Marriage Preparation Retreat at Camp Hamilton. Some spots are still available so if you are looking for an opportunity to attend a pre-marriage retreat learn more at http://retreats.seattleoyyam.org

Friday, April 30, 2010

Ascend and Ascend HD

Planning Teams are finalizing details for this year’s High School Leadership Camps. We are excited for this summer and all the opportunities for youth to grow as Catholic Leaders for their parishes and schools.
Ascend HD for incoming Juniors and Seniors will take place at beautiful Camp Gallagher from June 23rd to June 27th. Spots are limited to 64 people and they are filling quickly so please register soon.
Ascend 2010 for incoming Freshmen and Sophomores is July 6th-10th 2010 at Camp Hamilton.
We are also accepting applications for staff members to apply.
The registration deadline for each of these is June 3rd. For more information visit our website at http://leadership.seattleoyyam.org/ or contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org

Thursday, April 29, 2010

One Week Update

Looking for an opportunity for your youth to serve their community this summer? Do you need a program that is local, affordable and well-established in the Seattle Archdiocese?

We are offering the ONE Week program in various towns and cities throughout the summer. Groups of Junior High or Senior High students and their leaders can experience a local community and learn about and serve the special needs in that community. The schedule is filling up quickly, so please send your registration in as soon as possible.

Junior High
July 18-23 Hoquiam
August 1-6 Forks Full
August 8-13 Everett Full
August 15-20 Seattle

Senior High
July 11-16 Forks
July 25-30 Seattle Full
August 1-6 Hoquiam
August 8-13 Bellingham

If you are at all interested in any of these weeks, please email Britta.folden@seattlearch.org to tell of your potential interest in a certain week. Those weeks with low or no interest may be cancelled, so it is important to know if you are interested. We will re-evaluate sites on May 3rd and those with low numbers may be cancelled so we can give parishes and staff appropriate notice.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


OYYAM's YouTube channel is now up and running with the first videos, including the Convention, Rally, Ascend and Challenge Course videos for you to view. Check back on this channel regularly for videos of events and to stay connected with programs and services as the office offers them.

Subscribe to our channel at :http://www.youtube.com/user/seattleoyyam

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Young Adult Service Team Applications

Today marks the deadline for Young Adult Service Team Applications for next year. We are excited to meet all the potential members and potentially have the largest team in our history. We have some really promising applications already and have completed a number of interviews, and offered a few positions. Please pray for the young adults discerning this year long commitment to serving in our Archdiocese.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Strong Catholic Families: Strong Catholic Youth

OYYAM is happy to announce that the Strong Catholic Families: Strong Catholic Youth Program is coming to Seattle. This three part in-service is facilitated by NFCYM (the same people who bring you NCYC) , and is designed to equip trainers to work with families in their parish on building strong Catholic Families. Region Reps will be soliciting field staff to assist in training families and attend this training. We will announce the dates in the next few weeks, but look for more information on the website and blog.
Learn more by contacting your region representative or reading this sample program.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat

Save the Date for the annual Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat on June 1-3rd at Far Away Retreat Center.
Cost is $50 per person please contact your region rep with any questions you may have.

Friday, April 9, 2010

CMD Certificate Program

Just a reminder to everyone that the CMD Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies Program is scheduled for April 24-25th in the OYYAM offices. To learn more about the program, visit http://seattleoyyam.org/?page_id=1987. If you went to class one, or are interested in starting the program contact your region rep for more information. Each region has limited scholarships available for those wishing to go.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Challenge Course Facilitators needed

OYYAM is hosting training on the new High Ropes at Camp Hamilton this Friday and Saturday. We need 2-3 people, who are looking for a way to supplement their income through weekend work. If you or someone from your parish feels called to support this leadership development program please contact Bridget at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org.

Calendaring for next year?

Calendaring for next year? Don't forget to check OYYAM's calendar for important dates such as Youth Convention, Retreat Offerings, Leadership Camp Dates, and all your gatherings. You can check just the information you want on each ministry specific calendar or get all of OYYAM's scheduled events and programs at our main department calendar.

For questions about any programs or events be sure to check the website at http://seattleoyyam.org.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Challenge Course Update

After this weekend, the new challenge course at Camp Hamilton will officially be offered to groups. Several of our staff will be out for training on this new equipment and the first 3 groups are scheduled to use the equipment in May.
The dedication of this new course is also scheduled for May 22nd. Look for more information about everything this new course offers under challenge learning at http://seattleoyyam.org. To inquire about availability for your group contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org

Monday, April 5, 2010

Frances Farrel

It is with mixed feelings that the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry announces that Frances Farrell has discerned leaving her position as a Director in our office. Frances accepted the position of Pastoral Assistant for Administration at St. Joseph Church in Vancouver and will begin there on April 19th.

Over the past 6 years Frances has overseen, Youth Convention, Junior High Rally, One Week, countless service trips, Young Adult Ministry including the Young Adult Conference and most recently Outdoor Ministry and Hispanic Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Prior to that she served in many other roles at the Chancery.

Although Frances will be missed at the office, we wish her well as she moves into her next ministry. Please join us in sending Frances to her new job with the prayers and support of this community.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Camp Nurses Wanted!

Come and be a nurse at one of our three summer camps in Western Washington! We are currently looking for nurses to be a part of our staff. Gain excellent experience overseeing the health and safety of campers and staff. Nurses receive a stipend as well as a free campership for up to 2 children.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Licensed in Washington State as a registered nurse (or other appropriate training as approved by the camp physician)
  • Experience with children and young adults desirable
  • Ability to originate, update, and/or monitor health care, maintain records, and implement the health care plan
  • Current CPR and First Aid certifications
  • Desire to work and live in a camp community

Compensation for Nurses

  • 2 camperships for your children
  • $50/day
  • Staff T-shirt
For more information contact Jamie Fredrickson Jamie.fredricskon@seattlearch.org 206.274.3186

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Leadership Retreats Summer 2010

OYYAM is busy planning this summers Leadership Camps for youth in your parish and school. For more information about any of these programs follow the link below or email Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org
Ascend HD High School Leadership Camp
Ascend HD is calling those entering 11th and 12th grades into a more defined experience of leadership. Taking what they have learned already Ascend HD asks participants to commit to servant leadership and work in leadership more directly in parishes and schools. This year Ascend HD will be held at Camp Gallagher on the Key Peninsula.
Ascend High School Leadership Camp
Ascend is designed for youth entering grades 9 and 10. This 5 day 4 night leadership camp takes place at Camp Hamilton in Monroe Washington and helps younger leaders identify and strengthen the gifts needed for servant Leadership in Catholic parishes and schools.
Camp 4:12 Junior High Leadership Experience
Camp 4:12 is a 4 day 3 night leadership experience for those entering grades 7-9 in parishes around the Archdiocese.
Summit Junior High Leadership Camp
Summit Junior High is program offered to leadership teams from Catholic Grade Schools around the Archdiocese. This is perfect for student councils and other student leaders grades 7-8.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Junior High Rally

This year we had over 860 participants in Junior High Rally, which is the largest we have seen in years. Thank you to everyone who made Rally possible.

For those of you who can't wait, or don't want to miss any information about Junior High Rally follow us on Facebook.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Junior High Rally - Record Numbers

Come to Junior High Rally to see the largest turn out we can remember at 860 registered participants. Thank you to all of those who put groups together.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Summer Camp Registration Open!

Summer Camp Registration is open for all three camps this summer. If you have youth in your parish who have never been to summer we invite you and them to come to the CYO booth at Rally to learn more about Catholic Camping.

More information and registration is available at camping.seattleoyyam.org.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Social Networking

As many of you may be noticing OYYAM’s presence on Social Networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook has been slowly increasing over the past few weeks. We have embarked on a pilot program within the Chancery to outline new policies and procedures around the use of technology in a constantly evolving environment.

Pope Benedict the XVI addresses the priests of the world on this issue in his annual World Communications Day address with the following:
“Responding adequately to this challenge amid today’s cultural shifts, to which young people are especially sensitive, necessarily involves using new communications technologies. The world of digital communication, with its almost limitless expressive capacity, makes us appreciate all the more Saint Paul’s exclamation: “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel” (1 Cor 9:16) The increased availability of the new technologies demands greater responsibility on the part of those called to proclaim the Word, but it also requires them to become more focused, efficient and compelling in their efforts. Priests stand at the threshold of a new era: as new technologies create deeper forms of relationship across greater distances, they are called to respond pastorally by putting the media ever more effectively at the service of the Word.” read more

We are working to answer the Pope’s challenge to put the media at the service of the World and hope to soon be able to announce a revised policy about Social Networking and social media. However, we would like to remind all of our youth ministry community that we are in a pilot program phase and ask that you remain within the existing policy until the time a new policy is communicated.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rally - a few weeks away

Junior High Rally 2010
Dive Deep
March 6th
Highline Community College
Reminder Junior High Rally is just two and half weeks away and the first registration deadline is next Friday so be sure to send your parish/school registration in as soon as possible.
If you need your numbers for the "Whale of Deal" offer so you can offer more teens the opportunity to experiance Junior High Rally, please contact your region rep.
For more information about Rally go to http://seattleoyyam.org and click on the picture of Archbishop Brunett at Convention to go to the events page. Or use the drop down menu.
For questions about Rally email Britta Folden at britta.folden@seattlearch.org

Friday, February 12, 2010

Young Adult Lenten Retreat

We just wanted to remind everyone that the deadline for registering for the Young Adult Lenten Retreat is approaching. Because the deadline falls on a Saturday we are extending the early registration deadline to Tuesday, February 15th.

If you or a Young Adult from your parish is interested have them contact Bridget Harris to register or find more information under retreat ministry at http://seattleoyyam.org.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Debbie Fisher's Mom

I am writing today with a request for prayer. Many of you know our registrar, Debbie Fisher. She is the wonderful person on the other end of the phone who answers your questions about summer camp and helps you with all registration questions and needs for Rally, Convention, and retreats. Debbie's mother, Sheila, passed away suddenly last week. Understandably, this is a very difficult time for Debbie. She has asked for prayers from all in her OYYAM and CYO family including all of our collaborators in ministry to youth and young adults - that's you! Please join us in holding Debbie close in your thoughts and prayers at this time.




Friday, February 5, 2010

Retreats this weekend

The third Confirmation Retreat of the year starts tonight as well as the first Marriage Preparation Retreat of the year.

Please keep the youth and young adult participants at both of these retreats in your prayers this weekend.

For more information about Marriage Preparation Retreats or Confirmation Retreats visit the retreat ministry section of http://seattleoyyam.org.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ascend HD Date Change

Due to several school conflicts we have changed the dates of Ascend HD. Ascend HD will now begin one day later on June 23rd and end one day later on June 27th.
Go to the leadership development section of http://seattleoyyam.org for more information.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Planning for 2010-2011

OYYAM is busy scheduling for 2010-2011. As we get more of our calendar complete, more information will be available on the blog and website.

Dates for CMD certificate classes, the Fall Gathering and Confirmation Retreats are all available through the OYYAM calendar or the respective webpages.

Check back regularly to start planning for 2010-2011

Thursday, January 21, 2010

OYYAM Closure

The OYYAM office will be closed tomorrow, January 22, 2010 for an all day staff meeting. We will return on Monday the 25th.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Junior High Rally Flyer and Leaders Packet

The Junior High Rally flyer will be back from the printer on Tuesday after 12pm and it will be mailed out (along with the Leaders Packet) on that day with a default of 30 copies per parish. If you, need more flyers, or would like to pick them up on Tuesday or Wednesday in order to have them for youth night on Wednesday night, or if you would like your region rep to bring them to you on their weekly visits please contact Britta Folden at 206.382.2010 or britta.folden@seattlearch.org on or before Tuesday at 12pm and she will hold them out of the mailing process.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Young Adult Lenten Retreat

Registration is now open for the Young Adult Lenten Retreat. This year's retreat master is Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, Priest Administrator at St. Josepeh Parish in Issaquah. Come spend a weekend with other Catholic Young Adults building community, strengthening your prayer life and preparing for Lent.

February 26-28, 2010
Camp Hamilton
Adults Ages 18-39

Registration is $60 before February 13th,

After February 13th cost is $70 per person

Cost includes lodging, food and all retreat materials.

Scholarships are available.

Contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org or 206.274.3175 fir more information.

To register download the registration form at our website and submit it to Debbie Fisher.

Friday, January 15, 2010

High Ropes Course at Camp Hamilton

OYYAM is pleased to announce construction is complete on the new High Ropes course at Camp Hamilton. This new course will provide youth groups, sports teams, leadership teams and any other group an outstanding opportunity for growth and development.

Loook for a video of the construction process, and the finished course coming soon as well as in invitation to a come and see event and scheduling.

For more information about Challenge Learning go to our website or contact Bridget Harris at bridget.harris@seattlearch.org or 206.274.3175.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Summer Camp Registration

Summer Camp Registration is now open. For more information about CYO Summer Camp or to register go to http://camping.seattleoyyam.org.

Youth Ministry Studies program

Interested in gaining confidence in your role with youth? Do you need a way of gaining credibility, but don’t have the time for a degree?The Youth Ministry Studies program is a ministry education program for those in ministry with youth, ages 11 to 18, in both parish and school settings. It equips leaders with the knowledge, skills, practical tools and techniques needed for creative and comprehensive ministry with youth. Recognized by the Archdiocese, these programs provide a solid foundation in catechetical formation and a specialized education in ministry involving adolescent youth.The program includes eight courses. The primary aim of the program is to promote personal, spiritual and ministerial growth. Participating leaders will experience confidence, competence and credibility in their roles in youth ministry.Courses will be offered on the weekends at our office in Seattle. The first course is coming up on February 27 – 28th! Find out more about the Youth Ministry Studies program on our website here and learn more about the Center for Ministry Development here.Interested in signing up or getting more info? Contact Britta.Folden@SeattleArch.org.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

CRS: Haiti Update

January 12, 2010
Emergency Brief 1; Haiti Earthquake

Situation: A 7.0 magnitude earthquake has ravaged the island nation of Haiti. The quake occurred 10 miles southwest of the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince just before 5pm EST (Haiti is also on EST). Port-au-Prince, with a population of over 2 million, has been devastated. CRS Country Representative Karel Zelenka reports that “Port-au-Prince was covered with a plume of dust from damaged buildings. We should be prepared for many thousands of dead and injured.”

The CRS offices were shaken, with some damage to the compound walls, but there were no injuries in the building. Two CRS staff members remain unaccounted for. Communication with Haiti remains very difficult.
There are also recently confirmed reports that the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Monsignor Joseph Serge Miot, was a victim of the quake. The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Port-au-Prince has sustained severe damage.

CRS Response:
CRS has made an initial commitment of 5 million dollars for immediate use in the relief effort. Our agency is geared up for a major emergency response to this severe disaster. CRS is mobilizing food and gearing up our emergency capacity, and deploying prepositioned emergency shelter and hygiene kits in Haiti, as well as bringing supplies in from the neighboring Dominican Republic.
From the Field:
Karel Zelenka, CRS Country Representative in Haiti: “I’ve been in earthquakes before. This was a major hit. And it was direct. Thousands must be dead.”

God of all creation, as we weep with our family in Haiti, console us.
In this time of crisis, open our eyes to look beyond the disaster
to see Christ in our brothers and sisters in Haiti, as Christ sees us.
Be with us as we stand in solidarity with those living and working in Haiti.
Be with us in our mourning and guide our efforts to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, comfort the grieving and stand for justice.
With your mercy, sustain us at this time as we continue to work for peace and justice.

For our Brothers and Sisters in Haiti Affected by the Earthquake

Lord, hear our prayer.
For the Haitian people, that help comes to them quickly and comfort comes to those who hurt.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the lost or buried, that they are found and reunited with their loved ones.
Lord, hear our prayers.
For the relief workers, that they have the tools they need, the courage and the strength to respond fully.
Lord, hear our prayers.
For the families in Haiti and in the United States who are waiting to hear from loved one, that good news comes to them.
Lord, hear our prayers.
For those whose who have perished, may their souls rest with you, oh Lord, where they will find eternal love.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Junior High Rally 2010

Saturday, March 6th

Highline Community College
S 240th & Pacific Hwy South
Des Moines, WA

$50 per person on or before February 22nd
$55 per person between February 22nd and March 5th
$60 per person at the door (no t-shirt)
No refund after March 1st

Special opportunity! For every youth a parish brings over the number they brought to Rally 2009, the cost is only $10 per youth! - Contact your region rep to find out how many people came from your parish last year.

Participants must be in 6th through 9th grade

Meals are not included. Please bring a sack lunch/dinner or make plans to visit off-site restaurants. The on-campus college cafeteria will be open for purchase of food.

8:30am Registration Open (in Gym)
10:00am General Session I
11:15am Workshop I
12:15pm Lunch (on your own)
1:30pm General Session II
2:45pm Workshop II
4:00pm Mass
5:30pm Dinner (on your own)
7:30pm Dance & Games
9:00pm End and Depart