Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ascend Teaser and Promo Video!

Happy Holy Thursday Everyone! I'm just about to head over to St. James for our Holy Thursday pilgrimage with Archbishop Sartain, but before I do -I wanted to share with you this Ascend teaser video that we just finished earlier this week. Check it out here or click on the video picture to the right.

As well -we're shooting a promo video and we'd love to get your youth involved! We'll be learning the dance moves to our Ascend theme song: "Movements" by a great Irish band: Rend Collective. They were in Seattle just a month or so ago, and they are a lot of fun. Besides, their song fit's perfectly with this year's Ascend theme "Marked to Move." Because that's what we've got to do -keep making our move to JESUS CHRIST.

At any rate, the video shoot is scheduled to be at the field behind St. Martin of Tours's parish hall on Saturday, May 5th at 12:30 pm. Check out the flyer here or click on the pic to the left. Address: 2303 54t5h Ave. East. Fife, WA 98424

It's sure to be a lot of fun, and we'd love to see you there! If you can't make it though, we'd love to come to your youth group to give a short talk on what it means to be "marked to move" and do a mini video shoot to edit you into the video. Or, if you'd just like us to come and do a presentation on Ascend, we'd love to do that to. (BTW: no need to plan on coming to Ascend to be in the video)

All right, well -I'm going to be late for Mass if I keep writing. Have a Blessed Triduum!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Redefinition of Marriage in Washington

The resources page of the OYYAM website has been updated with documents regarding the redefinition of marriage in Washington. Check them out here. One is a letter from our Archbishop. The other is an FAQ regarding the referendum.