Friday, September 3, 2010

CMD Net Access

OYYAM would like to once again offer you the opportunity to sign up for CMD Youth Ministry Access. Youth Ministry access includes:

Gathered Youth Nights: fully designed sessions connected to the components of youth ministry. Catechetical sessions for high school youth are correlated to the U.S. Bishops' Adaptation of Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age for Use in Parish andYouth Ministry Programs (Adaptation).

Extended Events: retreats, community building events, and service projects expand the opportunities available in youth ministry Seasonal Connections: non-gathered strategies connect young people with their peers, with the family, with the parish, and with the wider community

Seasonal Ideas: calendar of feast days and commemorations of the season with connections to YMA resources

Journal Articles: professional development for leaders in the areas of youth ministry and Catholic life Set up the YMA Diocesan Discount Program for your parishes and schools. Parishes and schools receive a 20% discount.

A free webinar is offered to help parishes and school learn how to use Youth Ministry Access.


YMA High School - $150/yearDiocesan Discount Program: $120/year

YMA Middle School - $150/year Diocesan Discount Program: $120/year

YMA High School + Middle School - $225/year Diocesan Discount Program: $180/year

Sign up by October 15th or November 15th through

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