Friday, June 18, 2010

Stephen Hueffed

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry would like to announce that Stephen Hueffed has resigned as the Archbishop's Delegate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. On June 17th Stephen offered his resignation and it was accepted by Archbishop Brunett.

In the past 23 years Stephen has served as a Youth Minister at Holy Cross in Tacoma and Holy Rosary in Edmonds. He then served as Director of the CHANNEL Program for several years before moving to the Chancery to serve in the Office for Parishes and Faith Communities and eventually serving as the Archbishop's Delegate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry since its re-establishment by Archbishop Brunett.

We at OYYAM are grateful for his leadership and support over his years as our Delegate. He will be missed and he and his family are in our prayers as they begin this new chapter in life.

We appreciate the prayers and support of our Youth Ministry community while we move forward in our ministries and continue our work for the Church in Western Washington.

Click here to read the Archbishop's letter

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