Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Website launches tomorrow

On January 1st OYYAM will officially launch our new website. will now take you to this new site, where you can access all information from oyyam including all our blogs and programs. will no longer have any up to date information so be sure to use, for information from the office.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Junior High Rally

Junior High Rally is just over 2 months away.

Doors open at 8:30 on March 6th at Highline Community College.

Cost is $50 per person before February 22nd
After February 22 cost is $55 a person

Check the Rally blog and the new OYYAM website regularly for updates about rally as they become available.

Monday, December 28, 2009

OYYAM Opens Wednesday

The OYYAM offices will be re-open on Wednesday, December 30, 2009.

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from OYYAM!

We wish you and your family a blessed and joyful Christmas!

The angel said to them,

“Do not be afraid;

for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy

that will be for all the people.

For today in the city of David

a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord.

And this will be a sign for you:

you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes

and lying in a manger.”

And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel,

praising God and saying:

“Glory to God in the highest

and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Luke 2:10-14

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chancery Christmas Closure

The Chancery will be closed from Dec.23-29 for the Christmas holiday.

Blessings to you, your families, parishes and communities as we begin the Christmas Season.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Young Adult Lenten Retreat

OYYAM is once again offering the popular Young Adult Lenten Retreat. This year Fr. Bryan Dolesji will facilitate the weekend at Camp Hamilton. The retreat begins at 8:00pm Friday, February 26 and ends around 1:00pm Sunday, February 28th.

Cost is $60 per person (scholarships available)

For more information please email Bridget Harris

Saturday, December 19, 2009

OYYAM's New Website

In the next few weeks, OYYAM will be launching a new website and will no longer have content on the Seattle Archdiocese site. When this migration is complete we will have all our content including our blog information available through The blogs will still be up and updated regularly but will no longer house all the same content.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Summer Leadership Programs

Registration is opening soon for the summer leadership programs. The Ascend/Ascend HD Planning Team has been busy planning that experiance for all of us and registration forms will be mailed out next week. Planning for Camp 4:12 and Summit Junior High will begin soon.

For information about any of our leadership programs please go to the Leadership Programs Page or email Bridget Harris.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

OYYAM Office Closure

Please note that the OYYAM offices will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 16-17, 2009 as we participate in our staff retreat. Please keep us in prayer in the next few days.

We will be back on Friday, Dec. 18, 2009.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Looking toward Summer Camp

Summer seems far away but for those who have experienced camping and can’t wait to get back it doesn’t seem soon enough. We are finalizing schedules and registration to open soon so check the Camping blog regularly for updates on camp programs and registration.

Everyone who has been to Camp knows the many wonderful experiences they shared with their fellow campers. This year CYO is trying to offer those experiences to even more youth throughout the summer. Read the Blog post from the Camping Staff to learn more about some of these opportunities.

Make sure to check the calendar for camp and be ready when registration opens.

Confirmation Retreat #2

The early registration deadline for Confirmation Retreat #2 has been extended to the end of thiw week, Friday December 18. This retreat is scheduled to take place January 15-17 at Camp Don Bosco in Carnation.

For more information about this Confirmation Retreat or to check the schedule for the remaining 6, please check the Confirmation Retreat Page

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Advent Retreats

Advent: from the Latin adventus meaning "coming." It's that time of year when we light candles on a wreath and count down the days and weeks until Christmas. Instead of just counting, this time can be used as a way of preparing and growing spiritually.

To help with this, our Retreat Ministry Team is offering the "Turn to Me: Advent Retreat." A day-long retreat for middle school youth groups or classes that offers participants an opportunity to see what God is inviting them to. Using the example of Mary’s “yes” to the angel Gabriel, participants will explore what they’re saying yes to and what it means to turn to God.

To schedule a retreat for your middle school contact us at

Friday, December 11, 2009

Applications Available: Young Adult Service Team 2010-2011

Although it feels as if the year has just begun, it is time for us to being accepting applications for the Young Adult Service Team (YAST).

YAST is a wonderful opportunity to give a year of service and gain experience in Youth and Young Adult Ministry.

To Apply, download the complete Application and Process Description: Application - YA Service Team Description of Application Process.

For more information about the team check out the YAST webpage.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

2010-2011 Camp Rentals

Are you looking for retreat facilities or a camp to host training and teambuilding sessions?

Take a look at our camps and facilities.

Hurry! Camp rentals begin booking for the 2010-2011 year on December 15, 2009 and the days and weekends fill up quickly.

For more information about facility rentals please e-mail Bridget Harris.

We look forward to seeing you at camp.

Friday, December 4, 2009

The latest addition to Camp Hamilton

Construction has begun on the new Bradshaw High Ropes at Camp Hamilton. This High Ropes course replaces and expands the old and now unusable high elements at Camp Hamilton. Although right now it is just a few posts by mid-winter this high ropes course will be complete and available for groups to use year round.

For more information about the member of our community in whose honor this course is being built check out the blog post about U.S. Army 1st Lt. Brian N. Bradshaw. Check back to the Summer Camp Blog and the challenge course web page for more updates on construction and on the course itself.

To inquire about prices, possible uses for this course to help your youth or availability, please contact Bridget Harris.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Confirmation Retreat #1

The Impact Retreat Ministry Team is looking forward to our FIRST Confirmation Retreat of the year!

This retreat is designed for high school age youth who are preparing for confirmation. It serves to supplement the parish confirmation program and the content is designed to meet a variety of needs. Participants will learn more about the sacrament of Confirmation and its relationship to our call to discipleship.

For more information please see the Confirmation Retreats page or contact Bridget Harris with additional questions.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The OYYAM staff would like to wish you and your family a very blessed and joyful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

OYYAM Thanksgiving Schedule

OYYAM offices will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday beginning at noon on Wednesday, November 25.

Normal hours will resume Monday, November 30.

We wish you all a blessed weekend.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Regional Blogs

Do you want to remember what is happening in youth and young adult ministry in your area? (or at least what's going on in your region?)

Don't forget to check out your Regional Blog! Subscribe to get those regional notes faster.

Region I (Northern Deanery and Snohomish Deanery)
Region II(North Seattle, South Seattle, South King and Eastside Deaneries)
Region III (Olympic Deanery and Pierce Deanery)
Region IV (South Sound Deanery and Southern Deanery)

Friday, November 20, 2009

EE Spots Available

Is your school looking for a faith based environmental education program for the spring or next year?

Limited spots are available for the SPRING 2010 SEASON of Environmental Education at Camp Hamilton! Also available:

Fall 2010 spots!

If your school is interested please contact Sarah Humlie, Environmental Education Director, for more information.

For more information about Environmental Education at CYO Camp Hamilton check out EE's blog.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Confirmation Retreat #1 - Dec. 4-6

Our first Confirmation Retreat of the year is quickly approaching! Planning is underway and we are looking forward to this weekend of faith, fellowship and fun.

OYYAM offers eight confirmation retreats between December and May for parishes to utalize in their confirmation preperations. For more information about confirmation retreats visit the retreat ministry blog.

If you have any questions, please contact Bridget Harris.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welcome Britta Folden and Mary Galvez

We are pleased to welcome Britta Folden and Mary Galvez to the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry.

Mary will serve as Regional Representative for OYYAM Region III. She will be the primary point of contact for those of you in Pierce and Olympic Deaneries.

Britta will serve the role of Coordinator of Events and Service Programming. She will be coordinating Rally, Convention and One Week.

Join us in welcoming Mary and Britta to OYYAM.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Reminder: Ascend Planning team meeting

Planning is underway for Ascend and Ascend HD. Every youth minister is invited to attend the first planning team meeting, to discern his/her involvement and find out about the vision for these two leadership camps.

The meeting will take place from 11-2 in the OYYAM living room on Monday, November 16

Please RSVP to Bridget Harris so we know how many to plan for.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Youth Rally Planning Meeting

Now that the dust has settled from Youth Convention, it's time to start preparations for JUNIOR HIGH RALLY.

Our first planning meeting is scheduled for Wednesday November 25, 2009. Contact Britta Folden, who will be coordinating Junior High Rally, with any questions or to inquire about joining the planning team.

CYO Summer Camp Schedules

It may be getting cold out, but the Outdoor Ministry Staff is already looking forward to the warmth and sunshine of the summer.

Summer camp schedules have been set. For more information on the camp schedules for Camps Don Bosco, Hamilton or Gallagher check out our Summer Camp Information page.

Join us for the journey this summer!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Youth Convention: THANK YOU!

Youth Convention was truly "LOUDER THAN BEFORE" this weekend. We would like to thank all those who made this convention such a great success. Thank you to the organizers, speakers, workshop presenters and anyone else who helped make this year's convention "LOUDER THAN BEFORE"!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jr. High Rally Planning Team

Just when you think that after Youth Convention, OYYAM goes back into their offices and relaxes, think again!

Next up is Junior High Rally! The first planning team meeting for Rally will be after the dusts and excitement of Youth Convention have settled. So stay tuned!

If you are interested in helping plan this event or would like more information about the planning team, email Bridget at

Junior High Rally - March 6, 2010.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Yotuh Convention - THIS WEEKEND!

The moment is here, the time is now!
Can you hear it? IT'S LOUDER THAN BEFORE!

Youth Convention is THIS weekend at Bellevue College, with PreFunc on Friday evening. TODAY is the registration deadline.

For more information, please contact your Youth Minister ASAP or click here.

We hope to see you there!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Youth Convention Deadlines

Remember the first registration deadline for Youth Convention is Monday. Have your group registered by Monday, October 26th for the $65 per person registration. After the 26th registration goes up to $70 per person.

Remember to check the Youth Convention Blog for regular updates as we get closer.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Marriage Preparation Retreats

We are offering two Marriage Preparation Retreats this year; one for winter and one for spring. The winter retreat will be Feb. 5-7 and the spring retreat will be May 21-23. Both retreats will offer couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage the opportunity to reflect on the strengths and challenges of their relationship. Contact to register.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ascend Planning Team Meeting - Nov 16

The first planning team meeting for Ascend will be November 16, in the OYYAM Living Room, from 11-2. If you are interested in helping plan these two leadership camps or would like more information about the planning team, email Bridget at

Staff applications will be available at the planning meeting.

Ascend 2010: July 6-10: Camp Hamilton
Ascend HD 2010: June 22-26: Camp Gallagher

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Youth Convention

The Youth Convention Brochures arrived in the main office today and with the help of the Young Adult Service Team all of them have been mailed out, except those being delivered by one of our regional staff members. If you still need more they are downloadable on the new Youth Convention Blog, which you will be able to access from the youth ministry page.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Confirmation Retreat Registration Open

Confirmation Retreats registration is now open. This year OYYAM is offering 8 retreats from December to May. Dates fill quickly so submit your registration soon.

Check the dates and download the registration form at the Retreat Ministry Blog

Youth Convention Brochure

Youth Convention Brochure is now available on the youth events blog. Check back here to see when the printer brochures are available for pick up, or email Tauno Latvala to tell him how many you want mailed to your parish.

If you live far away and want a delivery email your region rep to see if they will be heading your way in the next week and would drop by with the brochures. Find out who your region rep is under youth ministry staff contacts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Outdoor Ministries planning 2010

The outdoor ministry staff is back from a great summer and rapidly moving through the planning stages for next summer and leading some of our fall programs.
Learn more about all the Outdoor Ministry staff is working on by going to their most recent blog.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Youth Convention

Youth Convention 2009 is coming soon. Check out the Youth Ministry blog and the Events blog to keep up to date all everything going on.

Also download the leaders packet and a printable registration form by visiting the youth events blog.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall SEARCH Retreat '09

Registration is Open for this fall's SEARCH retreat for teens in grades 9-12. The retreat will take place at Camp Don Bosco on October 2nd - 4th. Contact to register. For more information:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hamilton Final Reflections

A thoughtful final message on this summer's Camp Hamilton programming from the Director, Megan Raymond, can be read HERE. Be sure to read the other posted updates in the CYO Outdoor Ministry blog for pictures and descriptions of the fun activities that the campers participated in. Thank you Megan and all the Camp Hamilton staff and participants for making this such a great summer!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Family Camp Aug 31 - Sept 3

Spend a carefree Labor Day weekend (August 31 - September 3) at Camp Don Bosco! You can join in on the fun with your kids or just hang out and read a book. Here's your chance to spend some quality family time without having to drive hours into the country to stake out a campsite. AND, we do the cooking! Accomodations are rustic, but clean and comfortable. Contact Debbie Fisher at 206-382-4591 for more information and to register!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Confirmation Retreat Dates 2009 - 2010

Here are the anticipated Confirmation Retreat dates for High School Youth that we are offering for the 2009-2010 year! Contact Bridget Harris for more info!

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #1: December 4 - 6 at Camp Don Bosco

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #2: January 15 - 17 at Camp Don Bosco

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #3: February 5 - 7 at Camp Don Bosco

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #4: February 19 - 21 at Camp Don Bosco

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #5: March 12 - 14 at Camp Hamilton

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #6: March 26 - 28 at Camp Hamilton

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #7: April 16 - 18 at Camp Don Bosco

CONFIRMATION RETREAT #8: April 30 - May 2 at Camp Hamilton

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SEARCH Retreat!

On Friday, October 2nd until Sunday, October 4th, 2009, the OYYAM Retreat Ministry team will be offering a SEARCH Retreat at Camp Don Bosco for all high school aged youth! Contact Bridget Harris at 206-274-3175 for more details and to register!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Middle School Retreat Offerings for 2009-2010 School Year

OYYAM's Impact Retreat Ministry is now going into our third year of offering retreats for Catholic Schools and Parishes around the Archdiocese. The service team has already begun booking dates for next year so schedule your retreats soon.
These retreats are designed specifically for Catholic students in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades and offer a retreat for many different needs or
Learn more about these retreats, check the team's availability or schedule a retreat.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Service Team arrives Monday!

We are so excited for the four Young Adult Service Team Members to arrive on Monday! The OYYAM staff is working hard at Camp to prepare for their arrival. They have finalized all the last minute details. Everyone at the office is very excited to meet these wonderful young adults when they begin their service year on Monday :) Please keep all of our new interns in your prayers in the coming weeks.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fall Youth & Young Adult Ministry Gathering September 9 - 10

Save the date!

The Annual Youth and Young Adult Ministers Fall Gathering is taking place on September10 (Thursday) at the Palisades.

Wednesday will be the New Ministers Orientation co-sponsored with the Office of Catholic Faith Formation and will include resources such as an overview of Diocesan Policies, Chancery contact information and other helpful resources to get you started in your ministry.

The Fall gathering begins with the traditional Wednesday night Social - a fun time not to be missed! Thursday is the Fall Gathering for all Youth and Young Adult Ministers This is the largest gathering of the year for Y&YA Ministers and it is a great way to meet new people and learn about how our office can help you in your ministry! We will have a well known speaker in attendance and will address and answer any questions about the new structure of ACCY which will be a key agenda item. There will be lots of important information that you wont want to miss out on. Both days will range from 9 AM - 6 PM with lunch and coffee service included. Stay tuned for more information and how to RSVP as the event approaches.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fall Athletic Director's Meeting

The Fall Athletic Director's Meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 11th from 6 - 8:30 PM in the Isaac Orr Conference Room at 910 Marion St, Seattle, WA 98104. Please bring a notebook and something to write with in case you need to record important details from the meeting. The CYO Athletics Staff will be discussing the introduction of kindergarten soccer, as well as going over general information for the upcoming year including registrations, rosters, coaches meetings, Play Like A Champion, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to reach Ross Brownell at 206.654.4643 or at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Welcome New YA Service Team Members!

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry will welcome 4 new members of the Young Adult Service Team this weekend. We are pleased to welcome our largest service team yet to the office. Check back regularly to see how their year of service is going.
Click HERE to read about the four individuals and for a message from Bridget.

Monday, July 27, 2009

CMD Year 2 Ends

Year 2 of the CMD Certification Classes have ended with the 3rd and 4th classes which were Course #3: July 20-21, 2009 - Prayer & Worship and Course #4: July 22-23, 2009 - Justice & Service. Congratulations to all of those that have completed year two! It all went very well and was very beneficial to all of those in attendance!

The Center for Ministry Development has developed the most comprehensive Catholic Youth Ministry training program in North America. This program is designed for those in ministry with youth, ages 11 to 18 in both parish and school settings. It equips leaders with the knowledge, skills, practical tools and techniques needed for creative and comprehensive ministry with youth.

Please contact Tauno Latvala at 206.382.2019 for more information! You can also download the brochure HERE to read further about it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ONE Week Senior High in Hoquiam

This week, our ONE Week high school students will be serving at Our Lady of Good Help in Hoquiam, Washington from July 19th - 24th. Lets keep them all in our prayers and be thankful to God that they felt called to make a difference in our greater community!

ONE Week Senior High is a service learning program especially designed for teams of adults and young people in the 9, 10, 11, and 12 grades from Catholic parishes and schools. It is a 6-day, 5-night experience that offers participants the opportunity to challenge themselves by living in solidarity with the poor in a supportive community environment. It puts service learning in the context of Catholic identity. Participants will be challenged to learn and grow in their Catholic faith while seeing service as a core Gospel value and a major part of what it means to be Catholic.

If you would like more information about ONE Week, please contact Tauno Latvala, Director of Youth Ministry at 206.382.2019 or at

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Register for the Hispanic Youth Retreat!

La Oficina para Jóvenes y Adultos Jóvenes de la Arquidiócesis de Seattle y La Red de Jóvenes se complace en invitarte al próximo
el 29 y 30 de Agosto del 2009 en Camp Hamilton
(25402 Lake Fontal Rd, Monroe, WA 98272)

El costo será de $35 por adolescente. Si eres un jóven o una jóven de 14 a 17 años, esta onda es PARA TI

¡Animate y Ven a pasarte un fin de semana fenomenal! Donde reflexionarás, aprenderás, crecerás y te divertirás. Más información e indicaciones de cómo llegar a Camp Hamilton en o contáctanos al 206-903-4615 o a

Monday, July 20, 2009

Summit 2009 Registration Due Today!

Summer Leadership Camp for Student Leaders at Catholic Grade Schools - Discover what it means to be a disciple in your Catholic School! Develop concrete skills to faithfully lead your peers. Experience powerful prayer, inspiring talks and dynamic liturgy. Identify the gifts God has given you. Network with other students leaders from around the Archdiocese. Enjoy the setting and activities of Camp Don Bosco!

For Catholic youth entering grades 7 - 8 involved in leadership within their school communities, Summit begins at 11 AM on Thursday, August 20th at Camp Don Bosco and concludes at 1:30 PM on Saturday, August 22nd. To register, download the registration form HERE! If you have any questions, please call or email Bridget Harris at 206.274.3175 /

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Camp 4:12 Registration Due on Friday

Hello! This is a reminder that all Camp 4:12 Registrations need to be completed and returned to our office by end of day Friday, July 17th. You can email Debbie Fisher, OYYAM Registrar at or call her at 206.382.4591 for registration questions. You may also contact Bridget Harris, Associate Director of Retreats at or at 206.274.3129 if you have further questions about the program. Read the BLOG HERE to learn about the program and for dates and the location. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Register for Family Camp!

August 31st - September 3rd marks the dates for the CYO Family Camp Retreat at Camp Don Bosco! Spend a carefree Labor Day weekend at Camp. You can join in on the fun with your kids or just hang out and read a book. Here's your chance to spend some quality family time without having to drive hours into the country to stake out a campsite. AND, we do the cooking!! Accomodations are rustic, but clean and comfortable. Contact the OYYAM Registrar Debbie Fisher at 206.382.4591 or email her at for more information and to register!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Training Program Open to Youth Ministers!

Join the Young Adult Service Team in a summer training and orientation program for leaders within the Youth and Young Adult Ministry community! This program is open to anyone serving as a Lay Ecclesial Minister within an Archdiocesan parish, school or faith community. A special invitation is extended to those new to ministry or to the Archdiocese. Paid and volunteer leadership are welcome to join us for these eight days of ministry training which will help you to:

· Gain a greater understanding of ministry within the local church;
· Develop effective skills for ministry to youth and young adults;
· Acquire a theological and pastoral framework for Catholic ministry to youth and young adults.

Check out the BLOG HERE for more information and to download the complete Brochure!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Camp 4:12 - Registration Deadline July 17th

All junior high aged youth are invited to join us at Camp 4:12 on August 17th - 19th at Camp Don Bosco! This will be a wonderful chance for them to grow as leaders for Christ! The registration deadline is quickly approaching so be sure not to miss out to get your spot. Click HERE to read the entire blog and for the link to download the registration form. There is also contact information and more details!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What a Great ASCEND!!

This year's Ascend High School Leadership Retreat was definitely a time to remember! It finished up on Friday, July 3rd and all I keep hearing is that it was truly an amazing experience for all in attendance. Held at Camp Hamilton for 5 days, the campers and staff enjoyed gorgeous weather, exciting team-building activities and an enormous growth in faith - they left "on fire" for Christ! There were dynamic presentations, inspirational testimonies and the encouraging challenge for each participant to leave as a leader for Christ. The Holy Spirit was truly at the center of everything that was being learned, experienced and shared. For a message from Bridget Harris, one of the Co-Director of the Retreat, click HERE. Thank you to all who participated in and led this wonderful experience for the Catholic Youth of Western Washington :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bosco & Hamilton Begins!

Camp Bosco and Camp Hamilton Start their Session 1 of summer camp today! The camp staff members are very excited to meet their campers and start a journey of summer fun, learning and faith building! Lets keep everyone in our prayers that they all have a great first session to start the summer out right!

Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July Holiday

Hello! This is just a reminder that the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry will be closed today, Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day. All of us here at the office hope that you and your family have a wonderfully relaxing and blessed holiday! We will be back on Monday to resume the normal work week schedule. Thank you!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thank You Young Adult Service Team Members!

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry would like to extend a very warm Thank You to our two Young Adult Service Team Members for their year of service. June 30th marked their last day on the Team and we are so thankful for everything they have helped us with!

Scott Bailey, our Athletcs Team Member, is persuing his Masters in Sports Administration at Seattle University while also finalizing details to complete work study through our office starting in August. Bridget Harris, our Retreat Ministry Team Member, has accepted the position of Associate Director of Retreat Ministry and CYO Camp Guest Services. It looks like both of them are finding wonderful ways to continue aiding us in our ministry and we are so thankful! We all cant wait to work together again!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

CPR Training Today at OYYAM

Today was an awesome day for our CYO Camp Staffers - those that needed it were all given a 4 hour CPR and First Aid training and certification class! It was held in the OYYAM living room and about 20 of our staff members were in attendance where they were able to see a power point of examples in emergency medical situations, hear real stories of emergency calls and how to respond, and learn how to administer CPR & the Heimlich Maneuver among other life saving tips.

This training was provided by the American Heart Association which was taught by the wonderful Fire Chief and Paramedic Scott Kelly of the University Place Fire Department in Tacoma whose real life examples of situations and clear instructions of how to act were incredibly valuable. His use of repetition of instructions and using abbreviations (ABC = A:Airway, B:Breathing, C:Compression for CPR) to help everyone easily remember what to do in an emergency were extremely helpful. He stressed that the more training and preparration you have before an emergency, the greater the liklihood of you being calmer and clearer thinking in an actual emergency.

If you haven't already, I would highly recommend that everyone take a CPR class as it opened my mind to a lot of incredibly valuable information as well as corrected a lot of misconceptions that the common person has about emergency situations! We are very thankful for this training and the CYO Camp Staff members feel even more prepared for Camp Sessions to begin!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Camp All Staff Day at Gallagher

Yesterday marked the All Staff Day for all of our wonderful Summer Camp staff members! It was successfully held at Camp Gallagher where they were all able to bond and finalize details for camp programming. Those that needed it completed their Safe Environment training which is required and essential to having a safe camping experience when working with children. They were also trained on the policies and procedures of being a camp staff member and were given all the information and tools to be successful with CYO! Let us keep all of our staff members in our prayers that they may be a positive influence to our campers and that they may portray the joy of Christ in all their interactions. Have a great summer staff members and thank you for all you do!

Monday, June 29, 2009

ASCEND Starts Today!

Let us keep all the ASCEND 2009 youth participants and staff in our prayers as they begin their week of developing strong leadership skills and experiencing Christ in their life. May they be blessed to form new friendships, learn new skills to help their community and strengthen their Catholic faith! The Office for Youth & Young Adult Ministry is so proud of all of the participants in their desire to grow in their faith and learn ways to share that faith with others. We hope that they make memories that will last a lifetime and that they have a wonderful time at Sunny Camp Hamilton!

Friday, June 26, 2009

CMD Courses End, Spots Still Available for Next Courses

Both the Evangelization & Catechesis and the Pastoral Care CMD Courses end today, however the 3rd and 4th classes of Year 2 still have spots. Those 2nd Year courses are Course #3: July 20-21, 2009 - Prayer & Worship and Course #4: July 22-23, 2009 - Justice & Service.

The Center for Ministry Development has developed the most comprehensive Catholic Youth Ministry training program in North America. This program is designed for those in ministry with youth, ages 11 to 18 in both parish and school settings. It equips leaders with the knowledge, skills, practical tools and techniques needed for creative and comprehensive ministry with youth.

Please contact Tauno Latvala at 206.382.2019 to register or for more information! You can also download the brochure HERE and the Registration Form HERE.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reminder - Attend the Fall Gathering!

The Annual Fall Gathering is going to be on September 9 - 10 (Wednesday & Thursday) at the Palisades. Wednesday will be the New Ministers Orientation co-sponsored with the Office of Catholic Faith Formation and will include resources such as an overview of Diocesan Policies, Chancery contact information and other helpful resources to get you started in your ministry. After this will be the Wednesday night Social - a fun time not to be missed!

Thursday will be the Fall Gathering for all Youth and Young Adult Ministers and those involved in these ministries. This is the largest gathering of the year for Y&YA ministers and it is a great way to meet new people and learn about how our office can help you in your ministry! We will have a well known speaker in attendance and will address and answer any questions about the new structure of ACCY which will be a key agenda item. There will be lots of important information that you wont want to miss out on. Both days will range from 9 AM - 6 PM with lunch and coffee service included. Stay tuned for more information and how to RSVP as the event approaches. Post it on your calendars!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Outdoor Ministry Staff Training Begins

Outdoor Ministry Staff Training begins today! Let us keep the staff members and trainers in our prayers as they prepare for a wonderful summer of Catholic youth camp programing! With new day camp programs in addition to regular overnight progaming, we have more staff members that we are blessed to work and train with. Thank you for coming out to work with us!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

CYO Day Camp

CYO Summer Camp is excited to announce our brand new Day Camp program! Running Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at Camp Don Bosco, Day Camp will offer all of the traditional CYO activities with a new theme each week. It is open for campers grades 1-8, with smaller groups divided by age. It is the perfect opportunity to experience camp for the very first time or in an entirely new way! Transportation from Seattle, Bellevue, and Renton and scholarships are available.
Click HERE for more information!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Reaching New Heights Campaign

Reaching New Heights Campaign Extended to July 15th
Camp Hamilton's old high ropes course, which is a vital part of our programming, will not be useable this summer. We've already raised $2,255 toward the new course as of June 15th. We need of your help to fundraise the additional $1,800 for a new Vertical Playpen Element. $5, $10, $15, or $50 any amount helps! Over 500 campers will experience the new element this summer alone. This element will help teach campers cooperation, goal setting, and problem solving. The highest fundraising team or page will get to name the new element. Anyone who donates over $100 will get recognized on a plaque at the course.

Find out more about and donate to the New Heights Campaign!

Reminder: ONE Week Beginning July 12

ONE Week is a 6 day, 5 night service learning program for students in the 7th-12th grades. The experienced team leading ONE Week provides the learning and reflection needed to transform a week of service into an experience of discipleship.

For more information about ONE Week, visit the ONE Week Blog or email Tauno Latvala for site information and registration information.

Monday, June 15, 2009

ASCEND Registration Forms Due Today

REMINDER: Today is the last day to turn in your ASCEND Registration Forms. All late registrations postmarked after today will be charged a $25 late fee. Please mail the forms with payment to:
OYYAM Attn: ASCEND Registration
710 - Ninth Ave
Seattle, WA 98104

Download Additional Registration Forms Here
or click HERE to be redirected to the Leadership Development Page of the Youth Ministry Blog for more information on this Retreat. Thank you and feel free to call our office at 206.382.4562 if you have any questions!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Spaces still available in Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies classes

Spaces are still available for year 2 courses in the Center for Ministry Development’s Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies program, next week.

The Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies is a ministry education program for those in ministry with youth in both parish and school settings. It equips leaders with the knowledge, skills, practical tools and techniques needed for creative and comprehensive ministry with youth.

This program is designed for persons involved professionally or as volunteers with adolescents. The potential audience for the program includes: coordinators of youth ministry, directors of religious education, youth ministry volunteer leaders, junior high leaders, high school campus ministers, teachers, clergy, university students and seminarians.

This year the Archdiocese of Seattle is sponsoring the second year courses, which focus on fostering the faith growth of youth through evangelization and catechesis, prayer and worship, justice and service, and pastoral care.

The Certificate program is utilized in a number of ways:
  • as an integrated formation program leading to a Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies
  • as an enrichment or continuing education program for veteran leaders
  • as a workshop series which can be taken on a course-by-course basis by professional or volunteer leaders

The following classes still have spots available:

  • June 22-23: Pastoral Care
  • June 24-25: Evangelization and Catechesis
  • July 20-21: Justice and Service
  • July 22-23: Prayer and Worship

For more information about this class visit the CMD website or contact Tauno Latvala.

Congrats CYO Baseball!

Congratulations CYO Baseball Champs! Click HERE to find out who won!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rally 2010

The Junior High Rally 2010 date has been set!
Rally is a one-day event that provides an experience of Church through dynamic speakers, powerful liturgy, challenging workshops, and many opportunities to meet and socialize with other Junior High youth.

Click HERE to find out when and where! We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nurses Needed at CYO Camps

If you or someone you know is qualified and interested in being a nurse at the CYO Camps, please get in touch with Jamie Fredrickson for Camp Don Bosco and/or Megan Raymond for Camp Hamilton. Both can be reached at 206.382.4562 or emailed via the hyperlink provided on their names. Nurses will gain excellent experience overseeing the health and safety of campers and staff. They will receive a stipend as well as a reduced camp fee for up to 2 children.

Minimum Qualifications
• Licensed in Washington State as a registered nurse (or other appropriate training as approved by the camp physician - such as EMTs, Paramedics, etc.)
• Experience with children and young adults desirable
• Ability to originate, update, and /or monitor health care, maintain records, and implement the health care plan
• Current CPR and First Aid certifications
• Desire to work and live in a Catholic camp community

Dates for nurses needed at Camp Don Bosco:
July 13 - 18
July 27 - August 1

Please call Megan for Camp Hamilton dates. Join us for a great summer!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Register for Nanamakee!!

There are still spots available to register for the Nanamakee Expeditions!

The sessions that still have room are:
Session 1 - Norseboat Sailing Trip (July 2 - 10)
Session 4 - Kayak the Puget sound (August 2 - 10)
Session 5 - Canoe exploration (August 15 - 23)

Nanamakee is designed for high school youth, but are limited to 8 - 10 people each session. Every year, CYO staff dream about exciting new trips which open doors to some of the Northwest's most spectacular natural beauty. All trips are led by trained and experienced leaders. Contact Debbie Fisher at 206.382.4591 for more information and to register!

Friday, June 5, 2009

ACCY & Ascend Reminder

Reminder: For those wishing to be on ACCY in the 2009-2010 year, the Ascend application deadline has been extended to Monday, June 15th, 2009. If you are a Parish Priest, Pastoral Coordinator or Youth Minister, please consider sending 2-3 high school age delegates from your parish who you identify as strong Catholic leaders and potential candidates for the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Youth.

If you or someone from your parish is interested in being a part of ACCY, Ascend is highly recommended. If he/she would like to be a regional representative for your region, she/he is required to attend Ascend 2009.

If you have any questions about Ascend or ACCY please email Bridget Harris or call 206.382.4562. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"To you, O Lord, I lift my soul."
Ps 25:2-3, 4-5ab, 6 and 7bc, 8-9

Blessed John XXIII (1881-1963)
Throughout his life, Angelo Roncalli cooperated with God’s grace, believing that the job at hand was worthy of his best efforts. His sense of God’s providence made him the ideal person to promote a new dialogue with Protestant and Orthodox Christians, as well as with Jews and Muslims. In the sometimes noisy crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica, many people become silent on seeing the simple tomb of Pope John XXIII, grateful for the gift of his life and holiness. After the beatification, his tomb was moved into the basilica itself.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pastoral Assistant for Youth Ministry at St. Joseph Parish in Issaquah

St Joseph Parish in Issaquah is accepting applications for a full-time Youth Minister to direct their Middle/High School youth program, participate in the Young Adult ministry and serve as chaplain to their Catholic Middle School students. Excellent communication, organizational and interpersonal skills required, theological training appreciated. Successful candidate will be responsible for confirmation program, faith formation education program, retreats, community service projects and social activities involving the parish community. Salary and benefits dependent upon experience and education. For application packet contact Parish Office at 425-392-5516 or email

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ascend Staff Applications Due Today!!

Today is the last day to have your Ascend Staff Application postmarked! Download it HERE and please either mail them to:
Attn: Ascend Staff Application
710 - Ninth Ave
Seattle, WA 98104

or fax them to: 206.903.4627
We hope you will consider applying to join in staffing this awesome retreat! God bless you!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Heights Campaign!

This is a reminder that there are only 19 days left to donate to the New Heights Campaign! Please consider helping us reach our goal. Find out more about and donate to the New Heights Campaign!

Reaching New Heights Campaign April 15th-June 15th
Camp Hamilton's old high ropes course, which is a vital part of our programming, will not be useable this summer. We are in need of your help to fundraise $20,000 to replace it with a new Vertical Playpen Element and to update our challenge equipment. Over 500 campers will experience the new element this summer alone. This element will help teach campers cooperation, goal setting, and problem solving. The highest fundraising team or page will get to name the new element. Anyone who donates over $100 will get recognized on a plaque at the course.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ascend Participant's Registrations Due Soon

Just a reminder that the Ascend Participant Registrations are due on Monday, June 2nd, 2009. You can mail them into:
Attn: Ascend Registration
710 - Ninth Ave
Seattle, WA 98104

or fax them to: 206.903.4627
Dont miss out on this wonderful leadership development retreat for High School youth at sunny Camp Hamilton on June 29 - July 3!

For more information about Ascend, email Bridget Harris, or download a Registration Form.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ascension of the Lord

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"God mounts his throne to shouts of joy: a blare of trumpets for the Lord."
Ps 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9

Saint Christopher Magallanes and Companions (d. 1915-1928)
Saint Christopher Magallanes, a priest, and his 24 companions, martyrs, who, persecuted in diverse jurisdictions of Mexico out of hatred for the name of Christian and the Catholic Church, attained the crown of martyrdom. All of these martyrs belonged to the Cristero movement, pledging their allegiance to Christ and to the Church that he established to spread the Good News in society — even if Mexico's leaders once made it a crime to receive Baptism or celebrate the Mass.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday, the Sixth Week of Easter

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"Heaven and earth are full of your glory"
Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14

Saint Bernardine of Siena (1380-1444)
Today the Church celebrates the feast of Saint Bernardine of Siena, a priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who by word and example evangelized throngs throughout the towns and cities of Italy and spread devotion to the Most Holy Name of Jesus, indefatigably exercising the office of preaching with great profit to souls until his last day at Aquila in Abruzzi, Italy.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday, Sixth Week of Easter

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"Your right hand saves me, O Lord"
Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 7c-8

St. Theophilus of Corte (1676-1740)
Theophilus was born in Corsica of rich and noble parents. As a young man he entered the Franciscans and soon showed his love for solitude and prayer. After admirably completing his studies, he was ordained and assigned to a retreat house near Subiaco. Inspired by the austere life of the Franciscans there, he founded other such houses in Corsica and Tuscany. Over the years, he became famous for his preaching as well as his missionary efforts.

Though he was always somewhat sickly, Theophilus generously served the needs of God's people in the confessional, in the sickroom and at the graveside. Worn out by his labors, he died on June 17, 1740. He was canonized in 1930.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ascend Staff Applications!

ASCEND Staff Applications are now up and ready! As both a previous Ascend-er and Ascend Staffer myself, I can highly encourage you to apply and participate in this wonderful retreat that aims at forming Catholic leadership skills for High School Youth. Being a participant at Ascend as a high school student was one of my most cherished memories, the highlite of my summers, and they were experiences that formed me in a multitude of important ways. I never thought I could top those experiences until I came back to Ascend in college to be a Staff member. Helping your fellow staff members and your participants to see Christ in leadership was a huge joy for me, a joy that I was especially able to appreciate so much due to my formation as a participant. I guarantee that you will see fruits of your labor in the whole experience through witnessing the growth of friendships, confidence and faith of your campers. For more information, check out the new posting on how to apply in the Retreat Ministry blog or download the ASCEND Staff Application here. I hope that you will consider giving of your time and talent to help the youth of our Church!

Monday, Sixth Week of Easter

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"The Lord takes delight in his people"
Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b

St. John I (d. 526)
Pope John I inherited the Arian heresy, which denied the divinity of Christ. Italy had been ruled for 30 years by an emperor who espoused the heresy, though he treated the empire’s Catholics with toleration. His policy changed at about the time the young John was elected pope.

When the eastern emperor began imposing severe measures on the Arians of his area, the western emperor forced John to head a delegation to the East to soften the measures against the heretics. Little is known of the manner or outcome of the negotiations—designed to secure continued toleration of Catholics in the West. When John returned to Rome, he found that the emperor had begun to suspect his friendship with his eastern rival. On his way home, John was imprisoned when he reached Ravenna because the emperor suspected a conspiracy against his throne. Shortly after his imprisonment, John died, apparently from the treatment he had received.

We cannot choose the issues for which we have to suffer and perhaps die. John I suffered because of a power-conscious emperor. Jesus suffered because of the suspicions of those who were threatened by his freedom, openness and powerlessness. “If you find that the world hates you, know it has hated me before you.”

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2 for 1 Registration for the YA Conference!!

We are very excited to welcome you to Mary Gates Hall on Saturday May 16, 2009 for the Archdiocesan Young Adult ROOTED 2009 Conference: Saints in the Making. Because we are so excited about this event and want to make sure that everyone who wants to be there can be there, we are running a pre-registration special: 2 for 1 at any payment tier! That’s right - even if you have already registered for the Conference, you can now bring a friend for free! Please note that we will still need you or your guest to fill out a registration form and submit it to our registrar, Debbie Fisher, prior to noon on Friday. People who register at the door are not eligible for this special – this is a pre-registration special only. Also, please consider the spirit of this offer – we want you to encourage people who might not otherwise have come to be able to be a part of this great opportunity and experience the Catholic young adult community of Western Washington!

Also, please remember to arrive well in advance of the start of Conference (9:30 am is opening prayer). Registration opens at 8:30 and we strongly recommend that everyone try to arrive as early as possible, as Saturday is also the University Street Fair and parking and traffic will be more challenging than usual. The earlier you arrive, the better, as the street fair festivities draw more crowds the later it gets. Also, we strongly recommend carpooling and please do not park at the Newman Center. Parking instructions are found on the YA Conference Brochure.

Thank you again for your support of this event and we look forward to seeing all of you (and your friends!) at the Conference on Saturday.


Monday, May 11, 2009

YA Conference on Saturday!

The Young Adult Conference is right around the corner! The Young Adult Ministry staff members are busily preparing for a great conference and are very excited. There is still time to register and we hope that we will see YOU there. Please keep in mind that we strongly urge you to call our office if you need help in paying for the conference, even if you cant pay the lowest tier listed. We have scholarships available and would hate for anyone to miss the conference or think they cant come due to lack of funds available. That being said, please call 206.382.4562 and ask for Frances Farrell to work out a scholarship!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Frederic Ozanam House - Open House Today

On June 11th, Archbishop Brunett will bless Frederic Ozanam House, a 56-unit project located at 801 9th Ave. on Seattle’s First Hill. He invited the Chancery staff to join him today, May 8th to visit the facility and learn about the program. A few of the OYYAM staff were able to make it over to view the wonderful new facility. Megan Raymond (Outdoor Ministry) said that it is a really nice facility with amazing programs, support and resources to aid the residents. The living units reminded her of "cool dorm rooms!"

Archbishop Brunett made the land available to AHA for the facility. Ozanam House will serve chronically homeless men over 55 years of age, many of whom struggle with addiction, mental illness, and physical disability. Case management, 24-hour staffing, and meal services are available to the residents, each of whom has a private unit furnished with a bed, refrigerator, sink, and toilet. Showers are available on each floor. Residents will also have access to a common area furnished with computers and a pool table. The program is based on AHA’s St. Martin’s on Westlake, a nationally acclaimed model for permanent homeless housing.

The housing is named for Blessed Frederic Ozanam, who founded the St. Vincent de Paul Society in the slums of Paris in 1833. Envisioning a worldwide network of charity, his society grew into an outreach of compassion that now serves people in need in 142 countries. Funding sources are Homestead Capital, the Washington State Housing Finance Commission, the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, the City of Seattle, and King County. What a wonderful blessing this housing facility is going to be! Thank you Archbishop Brunett for your overwhelming care and concern for others!

Friday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"You are my Son; this day I have begotten you."
Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab

On this 8th day of May...
Today the Roman Martyrology commemorates at Milan, the birthday of St. Victor, martyr. He was by nationality a Moor, but was a Christian from his early years. While he was a soldier in the imperial camp, he was required by Maximian to sacrifice to the idols, but remained steadfast in the faith. For that reason, he was first severely beaten with clubs, but through the protection of God he received no injury; molten lead was then poured over him, and again he suffered no harm; at last, he completed a glorious martyrdom by being beheaded.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Gift of the Spirit!

Last night I was honored to join Bishop Tyson, Fr. Haydock and the community of Holy Rosary Parish in Edmonds for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. While it is always a joy to be present for such a celebration, this was an especially wonderful evening. I was honored to be present with my niece Katherine whom I have been walking with these last few months as her Confirmation sponsor. An added blessing to the evening was the opportunity to join in worship with the community of Holy Rosary - the parish where I was youth minister for five years in the early 1990's. What a beautiful church and community. Finally, it was amazing to witness Bishop Tyson in action! The Bishop's ministry brought meaning and humor to a significant event in the lives of the young people at Holy Rosary.
Congratulations to all the newly confirmed at Holy Rosary and throughout the Archdiocese!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Letter from Bishop Elizondo about traveling to Mexico

Here is a newly released letter that Bishop Elizondo has released in regards to new information about the risks of traveling to Mexico this summer for ministry or mission work:
Bishop Eusebio Elizondo's foreign travel letter

Here is the newly revised foreign travel parent/guardian consent and liability waiver form:
Foreign Travel Waiver Form

Thank you for your attention in this matter and above all else, may we continue to pray for the circumstances of our world today.

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"O God, let all the nations praise you!"
Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6 and 8

On the 6th day of May
Today the Roman Martyrology commemorates the Apostle and Evangelist St. John, before the Latin Gate. By order of Domitian, he was brought in chains from Ephesus to Rome, and by decree of the Senate was cast into a cauldron of boiling oil before the Latin Gate. He came forth from it more healthy and more vigorous than when he had entered it.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Volunteers Needed for CYO Track & Field!

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"All you nations, praise the Lord."
Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7

Track and Field Volunteers are needed for CYO from now on, especially this Saturday! Help record results, time events and assist the CYO Athletics Staff to make sure that all the events to run smoothly and on time! CYO needs your help, so if you are interested, check out the BLOG or email/call Ross at 206.654.4643 or Scott at 206.274.3128! Thank you for your potential help!

Friday, May 1, 2009

YA Spring Marriage Prep Retreat Now Full

Today's Psalm Verse is:
"Go out to all the world and tell the Good News."
Ps 117:1bc, 2

Our Good News for the day is that we have filled the last spots for our Young Adult Marriage Preparation Retreat! We receieved the last registrations today. We do apologize for the bad news however for those of you that havent turned in your registration on time. We have reached our capacity and cannot accept any more :( Feel free to check out the YA Ministry Blog for more information. Also, if needed, please call the main Chancery Office at 206.382.4560 to inquire about additional resources to fulfill your Pre-Marriage requirements and be sure to contact your parish office who can assist you as well. Thank you again for your support of our ministry and everyone here at OYYAM hopes that you have a blessed and beautiful weekend! God bless!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Play Like A Champion Today! - Last Training

Last PLACT Training This Sunday
CYO Athletics has it's last Play Like A Champion Today! training for the school year this Sunday, May 3rd at 1:00pm in the Isaac Orr Conference Room. Coaches planning on attending this training should aim to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out a pre-training survey. The Isaac Orr Conference Room is located at the Chancery, at 910 Marion St. Seattle, WA across the street to the North from St. James Cathedral. Any coach planning on coaching next season should take this opportunity to get the training done when there's not conflicts with practices and other sport related events. This information can also be found at the CYO Athletics blog. For more information about Play Like A Champion Today! please review our website.