Tuesday, June 29, 2010

One Week

The first One Week of Summer is just over one week away. Senior High in Forks is full to capacity and we are excited for this week of service in one of our many local communities. Thank you to Maryelyn for all her dedication to this specific site and to the program.

There are still limited available spots in many of our other sites. Please contact Britta Folden for more information about One Week in any of our other sites.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Ascend HD

Thank you to everyone who made Ascend HD so amazing. This week was a wonderful opportunity for our group and we thank every youth minister who sent youth.

We are excited for Ascend next week, and to schedule these two great leadership programs next year.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stephen Hueffed

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry would like to announce that Stephen Hueffed has resigned as the Archbishop's Delegate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. On June 17th Stephen offered his resignation and it was accepted by Archbishop Brunett.

In the past 23 years Stephen has served as a Youth Minister at Holy Cross in Tacoma and Holy Rosary in Edmonds. He then served as Director of the CHANNEL Program for several years before moving to the Chancery to serve in the Office for Parishes and Faith Communities and eventually serving as the Archbishop's Delegate for Youth and Young Adult Ministry since its re-establishment by Archbishop Brunett.

We at OYYAM are grateful for his leadership and support over his years as our Delegate. He will be missed and he and his family are in our prayers as they begin this new chapter in life.

We appreciate the prayers and support of our Youth Ministry community while we move forward in our ministries and continue our work for the Church in Western Washington.

Click here to read the Archbishop's letter

Ascend/ Ascend HD

Hi everyone,

OYYAM is pleased to announce that Ascend HD is now full. We are expecting youth from over 20 parishes and schools to join us next week at Camp Gallagher.

We are two weeks away from Ascend and a few spots still remain.

For more information or email bridget.harris@seattlearch.org


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

2010-2011 Important Dates

Greetings everyone,

As many of you finalize your calendars for 2010-2011 we wanted to remind you of some important dates for 2010-2011.

Youth Ministers Fall Gathering: September 9th at the Palisades.

Youth Convention: November 6th and 7th at Bellevue College. Look for your brochures to be available at the Fall Gathering on September 9th.

Junior High Rally: March 5th at Highline Community College

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat: May 31-June 2 at Far-a-way Retreat Center.

For a complete department calendar or more information about any of these programs visit http://seattleoyyam.org.

Monday, June 14, 2010

CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program 2011

Here are the dates for CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program for Year One and the first half of year two, which will take place in 2011.
March 12-13, 2011~~~Evangelization & Catechesis~~~Tom East
April 9-10, 2011~~~Prayer & Worship~~~Susan Searle
September 24-25, 2011~~~Justice & Service~~~Joan Weber
November 19-20, 2011~~~Pastoral Care~~~Sr. Carolyn Coll, RSMFor more information,OYYAM Contact: Britta Folden @ (206) 382-2010 or britta.folden@seattlearch.orgInformation from the Center for Ministry Development

Friday, June 11, 2010

2010-2011 Calendar now available

The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry has published a large portion of our 2010-2011 Dates for regions and Archdiocese wide events.

Please visit seattleoyyam.org to view the general calendar, your region calendar, or any ministry specific calendar for information.

We are excited to offer the Fall Gathering on Thursday September 9, 2010. We will have a social with limited content the night before. And a training for those new to youth ministry or new to the Archdiocese of Seattle the day before.

The other date to save is May 31-June 2, 2011 for the next Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Registration for Ascend extended:

The registration deadline for Ascend has been extended to this Friday June 11, 2010. Early Registration for Ascend HD has passed and there are very few spots remaining for that week, so register your parish as soon as possible.
Download Registration Forms or find out more information at http://leadership.seattleoyyam.org.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat

Today youth and young adult ministers from around the Archdiocese will begin to gather for the annual Youth and Young Adult Ministers Retreat. We are looking forward to 3 days of reflection, prayer and fellowship. Check back soon for information about next year’s youth and young adult ministers retreat.