Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Welcome Britta Folden and Mary Galvez

We are pleased to welcome Britta Folden and Mary Galvez to the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry.

Mary will serve as Regional Representative for OYYAM Region III. She will be the primary point of contact for those of you in Pierce and Olympic Deaneries.

Britta will serve the role of Coordinator of Events and Service Programming. She will be coordinating Rally, Convention and One Week.

Join us in welcoming Mary and Britta to OYYAM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blessing to our Archdiocese and especially our youth, to have both of you on board sharing your gifts! Welcome and I look forward to ministering with you! =)

In Christ,
Joy Galvez
St. Anthony - Renton