Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reaching New Heights

OYYAM is launching a new fundraising campaign to make improvements to Camp Hamilton’s High Ropes Course. Our online fundraising goal is to raise $20,000 for a new element and to improve this integral part of Camp Hamilton by the start of Summer Camp.

For those unfamiliar with the high ropes course, it is used by CYO Summer Camps, Environmental Education, Ascend and other retreats throughout the year. It is a fantastic experience for youth and young adults who wish to develop team skills such as: goal setting, problems solving, communication and cooperation.

Once these new elements are in place, your parish or school can hire a facilitator and use the element in the off season for your own retreats and team building.

Please help us reach our goal by donating or forwarding anyone to this site: so they can make a $5, $10, $15 or more donation. Anyone who donates $100 or more will be recognized on a plaque at the course. Every little bit helps to get us to the overall goal. This campaign runs until June 15th so please help us achieve this objective.

Use the link on the left to donate at anytime or to send information to others. Thank you for your generosity!

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