Recent Updates from OYYAM Blogs
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Ascend Teaser and Promo Video!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Redefinition of Marriage in Washington
Friday, March 23, 2012
New SEARCH Promo Video! (Deadline 4.9.12)
Check out our new promo video for our first Archdiocesan SEARCH Retreat! If you know any high school aged youth who want to hang with JPII and Jesus all in the same weekend, tell them to get their registrations in by April 9th!
I'm really looking forward to this retreat --Our theme is Blessed John Paul II's quote: "It is Jesus you seek when you dream of happiness. He is waiting for you." And indeed He is, waiting for all of us to cast away every sin and encumbrance that binds us, and run the race set in front of us! So let's run! And run so as to win!
I'm reminded of that scene in Hook where the kid is playing baseball with all the pirates -and they all chant "Run home Jack! Run home Jack! Run home Jack!" Well, that's what we're supposed to do -and that's what this retreat's about: Run home! Run home to Jesus! He's waiting for you! Run, and don't stop running until you can sing with our Switchfoot buddies, "This is home! I'm finally where I belong!" (Don't get why I'm talking about Switchfoot? Well, then you didn't watch the video, did you?)
I hope that this retreat will be both rejuvenating and transformative, driving home the awesome truth of the Father's Love for all 7 billion of us! Have a sunny Seattle Friday!